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Charity Harbo, MS, MFT

(510) 545-6144​

298 Grand Ave., Suite 101

Oakland, CA 94610​


License # 50519​


"Good judgement comes from experience.  Experience comes from  bad judgement."​

                                                                                                                         -Mark Twain

Adolescence is a unique and special time in a person's life. It's a period marked by creativity and vitality.  It's a stretch of time between childhood and adulthood when immense changes are occuring on every level - emotional, biochemical, neurological, hormomonal and physical.  


Considering how much is changing during this period, it's no wonder teens are prone to feelings and behaviors that the adults around them often struggle to understand. This can lead young people to feel misunderstood, isolated, and without adult guidance, increasing their vulnerability to peer influence. When a teen is confused or overwhelmed they may be reluctant to go to their parent for advice as they maybe once would have. While this is largely a product of a teen's movement towards indepence, it also means they may not have postivie or healthy adults they can talk to about their struggles and questions. 


When working with teens I take time at the beginning to foster a safe and trusting relationship, one in which the young person across from me feels heard, validated and not judged.  My goal is to help teens think and feel through their experiences with greater depth and understanding so they may feel empowered to make decisions that leave them feeling better about themselves and in relationship with others.

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